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strong>Hyatt - Sky Harbor [clear filter]
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Sunday, December 8

12:00pm CST

Quiet Room (Hyatt)
Sunday December 8, 2024 12:00pm - 5:00pm CST
The Quiet Room is a place where you can spend time away from the noise, lights, and other stimuli of the convention. Please be courteous to fellow attendees while enjoying your time in the space. The following rules have been designed to ensure a respectful and relaxing environment for everyone:
1. Keep conversation volume and length to a minimum.
2. Silence all electronic devices. Headphones are encouraged!
3. If you have to make or take a phone call, please take it outside the room.
4. Be mindful regarding perfumes and scented personal care products, which can trigger allergies or chemical sensitivities.
5. No outside food or beverages. Water will be available at all times.
6. You may rest your eyes, however napping is not permitted.
7. Please do not take photos or videos inside the space.
Sunday December 8, 2024 12:00pm - 5:00pm CST
Hyatt - Sky Harbor

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