Learn how to make your own duct tape dummy at our panel, Dummy and Dummer! We have tips and tricks from some of your favorite fursuit makers. There is always something to new to learn, so whether you're a complete newbie, or you've made a few duct tape dummies yourself. We would love you to join us! Come on down and observe techniques with a live demonstration!
Meet & Greet for protogens, synths and digital robot beeps alike! Come by to meet, chat and learn about these fantastic digital robo animal things in the fandom! Suiters and non-suiters are all welcomed!!
A husky protogen thing! Name is DAT and is into cars, vintage computers/games and even build beep boops! You can find me on following sites @DatBlueHusky on Twitter and Instagram
Has anyone wants to be inflated big and round in real life? Want to meet folks who do?? Come on over to the inflatable suit tryouts and get to experience one for yourself. Bringing your own inflatable suit(s) is highly encouraged!